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Serves 4
The name for this dish means "mixed together" - rumbled, and "bashed together" - thumped. This is a meatless main course but can also be served as a vegetable dish along with meat.
1 lb potatoes
1 lb white cabbage, spring cabbage, or kale
1 medium onion or the white part of two leeks, finely chopped
3 oz butter
A little single cream
2 oz mature cheddar cheese
Chopped fresh chives
Black pepper and salt to taste
Slice the potatoes thickly and boil in a little salted water. Once cooked, drain and mash.
Slice the cabbage and boil gently in salted water, do not over cook!
Melt the butter in a heavy bottomed pan and cook the onions or leeks. Once soft right through, add the cooked potatoes and cabbage. Add a little cream, season to taste and beat together.
Place the mixture in an oven safe dish, cover with grated cheaddar cheese and place under a hot grill or oven to brown.

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