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In the heart of Highland Perthshire
I highly Recommend The Dunalastair Hotel

Black Bun

1 Tbs dried yeast or piece of fresh the size of a walnut
2 cups warm skimmed milk
2 lbs strong plain white flour (breadmaking flour)
1/2 tsp salt
3/4 lb unsalted butter
1 lb currants
1 lb seedless raisins
8 0zs stoned prunes, chopped
8 ozs chopped figs or (at a pinch) dates
6 Tbs Oxford marmalade
4 ozs flaked (slivered) almonds
2 tsp ground cinnamon
2 tsp ground cloves
2 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp ground cardamom
1/4 cup whisky
1 egg yolk
1 Tbs skimmed milk
Mix yeast and milk; allow to work for 10-15 mins.
Sift flour and salt into a bowl; rub in butter.
Mix in yeast mixture; knead until smooth on floured worktop.
Prove in covered oiled bowl until double in bulk.
Mix all ingredients together.
Divide dough into two pieces, size ratio 2:1.
Flatten larger piece, and lay filling onto it.
Knead filling and dough together until thoroughly incorporated.
Roll out smaller dough piece into a circle.
Place bun in centre of dough; wrap completely, drawing together edges in the centre of the top with a pinch.
Line a cake tin (25-30cm, or 10-12") with greaseproof paper,
and invert bun into tin (pinched side down).
Cover to prove dough for 30-40 mins.
Skewer right through bun several times before glazing with mixed egg yolk and milk.
Bake 2 hours at 350F
Eat Cold, with whisky at New Year, Burns' Night (25 Jan), St Andrews Day (30 Nov) or any other vaguely Scottish excuse.

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